Author Archives: ClosetCat


Yesterday ClosetCat was featured in Etsy Finds with St Patrick’s box! Woohoo! I had a lot of hearts and clicks, and overall the day was wonderful and full of green surprises.

A few days ago I also came up with three new designs, and Collin was kind enough to educate me about poker and its combinations. So here we go!


Etsy Finds and Poker Boxes

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Posted by on March 18, 2012 in Uncategorized


Monopoly Survival Kit

Today Collin and I were browsing through another antique store and found an old Monopoly game. It misses quite a few pieces and looks pretty used overall, but we still couldn’t pass it. Collin is a really good player. I… well, not such. I only played once in my life, and I was 13 back then.


So it might as well become a Monopoly Survival Kit.

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Posted by on March 1, 2012 in Uncategorized


Pilot’s / iPhone lovers Emergency Case

Here it is. My old shadow box after hours and hours of work.


It looks and feels just like leather, although it’s nothing more than… egg shells, acrylic paint and several layers of varnish.

If anyone needs a guide, I will be more than happy to write one and add photos.

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Posted by on February 28, 2012 in Uncategorized


PMS Emergency Kit

Brand new, “fresh off the easel” PMS Emergency Kit.

If you don’t understand what this kit is about, you are either a lonely guy or haven’t dealt with PMS – yet.

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Posted by on February 27, 2012 in Uncategorized


Still work in progress

The shadow box is slowly (but steady!) turning into a Posh EC. I wanted to paint it in white and then add black ink drawings all over but my Husband got me confused by saying that people expect it to be red (as almost all of my other cases). I try to imagine it in red but can’t – and it’s annoying. I figured that unless I have a picture of the final product in my mind, it won’t be finished.

I’m leaving the box to dry overnight and the task for tomorrow will be painting it in its final color(s).

Can you guess what mosaic is made of?

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Posted by on February 26, 2012 in Uncategorized


Restoration in Progress

I have finally made a decision about the shadow box from antique store. It’s going to be a Posh/Stylish Emergency Case for iPhone and iPod lovers *giggling* Sounds bold, I know. 

It took me several sheets of sand paper to clean off old laquer and paint. Oh my, you should have seen my hands and face after all the work was done. Using three different types of paper, I finally got rid of layers of dirt and, I must say, smell. (Yes, that “thrift store only” smell.)

It’s covered with fresh primer waiting to be dried and decorated. Meanwhile, can you tell the difference between two previous photos and these ones? Yes, I did a good job! (Still proud of my sanding job, LOL)

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Posted by on February 25, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Antique Shadow Box

… This was found yesterday in one of the antique shops. I love things that lay somewhere in the corner with tens of people walking around and not seeing them. And besides, it cost a $1 which I loved even more.

I brought this box home, put it on the table and we have been staring at each other ever since. I must be truthful here… I have no idea what to do with it! See, that’s the problem with Endless Possibilities (TM). There are so many choices that you are scared of picking the wrong one and/or screwing something up. Should I take the inserts out and make it one useful long box? Should I stuff it with different colored seeds and make it a useless but beautiful piece of decor? Should I do this, should I do that or should I just go ahead and let it sit among my never finished projects?..


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Posted by on February 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


Facebook ADs

Many of you have probably heard about Facebook campaign where they support small businesses by issuing  a $50-150 credit for advertising.

Today ClosetCat has finally reached the necessary amount of “Likes” and started advertising on Facebook! It took some time to figure out how it works, and Collin made his input in a short 130-characters AD. The cat, of course, was trying to help by laying on my laptop exactly when I needed it the most… and almost destroyed our result of creativity.

So now we all are anxiously waiting to get approved to see what outcome will be. If you haven’t done so yet, please give us your Like and support!

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Posted by on February 22, 2012 in Uncategorized


The Last Dollar Gift

This morning my husband woke up to find out that he had a one day flight somewhere to California and back home later tonight. I must say that his work has been really slow and he hardly flew anywhere over the past month.

He was jokingly grumbling about not wishing to go anywhere, so I proposed him to quit his flying job and join me at Etsy. He thought for a second that said: No way, you work much more than I do.


Here’s a new Emergency Case called “The Last Dollar”. Please visit ClosetCat @Etsy for pricing and purchasing.

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Posted by on February 21, 2012 in Uncategorized


Getting supplies ready

While things slow down, it’s always nice to clean the mess to buy and have more supplies ready.

For example, these are 12 packs of fake cigarettes that I use to make “Men’s Kit” and “Smoker’s Gift“.

I was amazed to see how many of them are being sold. Being selfish and feeling quite happy when I see comments people leave under this product: “They don’t puff as they are supposed to!”, “Arrived wet, didn’t work!”


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Posted by on February 18, 2012 in Uncategorized