Monthly Archives: January 2012

January Results

Since it’s almost February already, I have all the rights to summarize my January achievements.

25 items made in 24 days (since Jan, 7 when the first EC was created). It exceeds my initial intention, and I can’t say that I mind. Who knows, maybe when sales slow down a little I will chicken-heartedly distribute these numbers evenly over a few mon… days.

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Posted by on January 31, 2012 in Uncategorized


Gift of Luck

Here’s the new design I was talking about yesterday. My husband returned, the car returned and then camera returned with them as well, so I could finally snap a few pics.

Have to fulfill three orders today. Oh my.

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Posted by on January 31, 2012 in Uncategorized



I created a brand new design for my EC today. Polished, cleaned, made it look fabulous, went out on the balcony (for better lighting), set the background… And figured out that I left my camera in the car which my husband took this morning and dropped off at the airport!

Agh, what a bummer! Always something!

Frustrated, sent out another box to the customer and made two more “sketches” for future EC. It’s incredible how much I can do when there’s nobody else at home. Please note, I don’t count the cat anymore because since we’ve put a brick of seeds on the roof in front of our window this cat can be hardly seen anywhere besides her cat tree and occasionally in my studio, begging to open the balcony door and catch those birds.

I think I’m getting into habit of making one box per day. Yay?

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Posted by on January 30, 2012 in Uncategorized


It becomes a ritual to say that I made another EC yesterday. But there’s another thing I can write about instead.

My first fail. Supplies I received a few days ago were pretty low quality this time. Some boxes were broken and some looked so bad that I couldn’t even sand them. Moreover, when I tried to make a brand new design yesterday I used the wrong color of paint. It was this ugly-looking green… The kind you get when you mix it with white. My fault. I usually open all bottles in the store before deciding on color but last time I was in a hurry and decided to trust the manufacturer with their “Shamrock Green” description.

Shamrock, really? Heck no!

I, however, kept painting and varnishing it hoping that the color might change once it dries. It did, but not much. So don’t really know what to do with that EC now. Paint it in black maybe? Or just lay aside together with a few broken boxes?

I’m feeling so frustrated today with all the reasons came together.

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Posted by on January 30, 2012 in Uncategorized


Running ahead of the train

Even thought it’s not the end of the month yet, I can’t help but doing some calculations here.

This blog was started on the 13th with a promise to myself of making one item per two days. Now, 15 days later, I am at 19.5 items altogether. (That .5 is the painting I gave up to ever finish.) Basically I’m very close to saying that I was making an item a day.

Yes, it makes me proud. I don’t know if I were able to do this without all the pressure and sales, but hey, no judging winners!

P. S. Two more EC were finished and packed today.

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Posted by on January 28, 2012 in Uncategorized


We got back home from Sunrise, AZ on Wednesday and my shop was packed with orders. With those three boxes I made before leaving (thanks Cat!) and another one made before the before, I had a total of 7 orders pending. Even though I thought I was pretty well prepared, it still took two full days to fulfill and mail everything.

First of all, I found out that I was out of handmade paper.

Then I was out of bubble mailers.

Then I was out of scotch tape.

Then I was out of USPS Flat Rate envelopes.

Then I was out of my mind.

My Husband was showing great support patiently waiting in the car by Hobby Lobby and even went in for a minute to help separate transactions.

I got another box of supplies today. Moving fast! And oh my, I need to organize that table… It used to look so clean and beautiful when first brought home, and now it’s a terrible mess I’m afraid to picture.

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Posted by on January 27, 2012 in Uncategorized



This self-discipline diary makes me kinda proud of myself. I’m running ahead of the train – still.

Have done three boxes from the scratch today. Sanded, painted, varnished, and labels are printed and ready to be placed. Waiting for orders on the table.

We’re off to the mountains tomorrow and will be back on Thursday. Adios!

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Posted by on January 22, 2012 in Uncategorized


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9 sales and counting

Made nine sales in just under two weeks. Whew!

The EC “Men’s Kit” I created yesterday is already gone. I figured (and thanks cat if was before shipping) that fake cigarettes I use shake some sort of ash off while turning boxes upside down. Had to crack open the box and leave it unglued for the customer (wrote a note and hope he’s not going to mind that, the insides of these boxes don’t look …).

Another “heart in the box” was made today and cat, I am tired! I get really stressed about shipping everything in time, and something that was supposed to be relaxing and calming turned into a nightmare. My heart races, my hands shake really bad and I can’t concentrate on what I do at all.

There’s only one solution for this: make everything beforehand. All six types of EC that I sell today need to be done completely and just sit and wait there. Eh… Does it mean I need to order another box of supplies?..

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Posted by on January 21, 2012 in Uncategorized


Keeping up with the schedule

With three days vacation ahead, I am trying to keep up with the schedule. Two more EC are done today: a new one and an “old” one which is already shipped. Sanded another EC to quickly get it ready for another buyer. Speeeeeeding up!

P. S. Yes, we are going skiing next week. Yes, that’s the first time for me, ever. Yes, now we have health insurance and I’m not worrying. Well, maybe just a little…

P. P. S. This is a brand new EC design inspired by Woody Allen’s phrase. “How does he know about that?” asked my husband.

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Posted by on January 20, 2012 in Uncategorized


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Updated some of my photos

And no, it doesn’t count as P365 item!


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Posted by on January 20, 2012 in Uncategorized

